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Bunch of Lilies & Carnations


Try this Bunch of Lilies & Carnations. This Bunch of Lilies & Carnations contains 12 Red beautiful Carnations with 2 Glorious White lilies wrapped in a special wrapping with White paper on top and Red paper in bottom with Red & White Ribbon. This Bouquet looking very special when present it to anyone.
There is a when you thinking that what should you have to do for your loved ones, but now a days you have so many choices to select. That’s why we create a special bouquet for you to present to your loved ones on their special occasions. Carnations is also useful in many type of ills, from acting as stimulant to an antispasmodic. And White lilies is using to treat Stomach Disorders, Fever, help women in labor. Order now this special Bunch and feel free to express your feelings.

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